Chemical Vs Physical Sunscreen - Which Should You Use?

With summer approaching, it's important to know how to protect yourself from the dangers of too much exposure to the sun and its rays. Sunburn can be not only painful and irritating, but repeated sunburn can also increase your chances of developing melanoma, otherwise known as skin cancer. Overexposure to dangerous ultraviolet radiation weakens and damages skin cells leading to catastrophic results later in life. So, read on to discover how to protect yourself over the coming months and which type of sunscreen is best.

Table of contents

  1. Chemical sunscreen

    1. Negatives

    2. Positives

  2. Physical sunscreen

    1. Negatives

    2. Positives

  3. What to do if you get sunburnt

Sunburn Marks on a Woman's Back, Mackay QLD

Chemical sunscreen

Chemical sunscreen works by absorbing harmful UV rays and converting them into heat so that they can be expelled.


This kind of sunscreen needs to penetrate a few layers of skin before it is effective, so it often requires you to put it on around 20 minutes before you go outside. This can be a negative if you need to leave in a hurry or are usually too busy to prepare in advance.

Furthermore, chemical sunscreen can be irritating to sensitive skin and recent research has found that the chemicals may work their way into your bloodstream, although according to experts, this isn't a cause for alarm or a reason to stop wearing it.


Chemical sunscreen is surprisingly easy to apply and won't take up much time in your daily routine. You also don't need much to protect your skin and it can be used in conjunction with makeup. What's more, it's usually the better option if you're swimming, playing sports or are likely to sweat a lot during the day.

Physical sunscreen

Physical sunscreen works by sitting on your skin and therefore creates a physical barrier that the rays can't penetrate.


Physical sunscreen has to be thicker to create a barrier, which can be a drawback for some. It can be heavy and feel oily, which is especially negative if you already have oily skin. Furthermore, it can take more time to apply physical sunscreen and you will have to put more effort into removing it at the end of the day.


Physical sunscreen is often much better for people with sensitive or irritable skin and can even work as a moisturiser for those with dry skin. In addition, once applied, it will work immediately, so you don't need to plan ahead at all and you can set your mind at rest, since you'll know that as long as you're wearing the sunscreen, you're protected.

What to do if you get sunburnt

If you think you've experienced sunburn a fair few times and you're worried about the impact this has had on your skin, you may need to see a doctor. If you think you have a skin problem, why not contact Shakespeare Medical Centre in Mackay at (07) 4953 0233? We offer skin checks among other medical services, so make sure to head down to the centre or book an appointment to put your mind at ease.