Why Regular Skin Cancer Checks Are Vital for Your Health

Australia presents a unique challenge for skin care. Our country, with its abundant sunshine and outdoorsy lifestyle, the nation witnesses a heightened risk of skin cancer due to prolonged sun exposure. Regular skin cancer checks are not just a precaution; they're a necessity for all Australians. Here's why.

Table of contents

  1. The Australian Context

  2. Skin Cancer: A Silent Threat

  3. Benefits of Regular Skin Checks

  4. Have You Had Your Skin Checked Lately?

The Australian Context

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. The country's geographical location, combined with its outdoor culture, means that many Australians are exposed to the sun's harmful UV rays for extended periods. This exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, making regular checks even more crucial for Australians than for people in many other parts of the world.

Skin Cancer: A Silent Threat

Skin cancer often starts as an innocuous spot or mole on your skin. You may even mistake early skin cancers for an odd freckle. Over time, without regular checks, these can evolve into malignant tumours. There are three major types of skin cancer:

·         Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC): BCC is the most common form of skin cancer. It originates in the basal cells, which are located in the skin's lowest layer, the epidermis. BCCs often appear as red patches, shiny bumps, or scars. While they are malignant, they tend to grow slowly and rarely metastasise or spread to other parts of the body. However, they can cause significant local damage if not treated promptly.

·         Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): SCC arises from the squamous cells, which are flat cells on the skin's surface. It often manifests as red, scaly patches, open sores, or warts. SCCs can grow deep into the skin, leading to damage and disfigurement. More importantly, if neglected, they have a higher potential to spread to internal organs than BCCs.

·         Melanoma: Melanoma is the most aggressive and potentially lethal form of skin cancer. It originates in melanocytes, the skin cells responsible for pigment production. Melanomas can develop anywhere on the body, even in areas not typically exposed to the sun. They often resemble moles and can be black or brown. However, they can also be skin-coloured, pink, red, purple, blue, or white. Early detection and treatment are crucial, as melanoma can spread rapidly to other parts of the body.

Benefits of Regular Skin Checks

  • Early Detection: Early detection is the key to successful treatment of all types of skin cancer. By getting regular skin checks, you can catch any abnormalities in their initial stages, making treatment more straightforward and effective.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you're taking proactive steps to monitor your skin's health can provide peace of mind. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

  • Professional Expertise: A trained medical professional can spot abnormalities that might be missed by the untrained eye.

Have You Had Your Skin Checked Lately?

The doctors at Shakespeare Medical Centre in Mackay, provide up-to-date, quality care in a fully accredited general practice.  The general practitioners and nurses offer comprehensive Skin Cancer Checks including detailed Mole Photography and Mapping. All lesions excised at Shakespeare Medical Centre in Mackay are sent to a skilled pathologist for evaluation and diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been reached, your doctor will discuss treatment options. Too book a skin check or learn more about the services offered, call our friendly team today.